etis-plusThe Institute of Transport and Communications started working on the EC DG TREN ambitious ETIS Plus project to design and build a European transportinformation system in September 2009. The project is being implemented by a consortium of 18 prominent transport consultant companies from Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, and ITC from Bulgaria, leaded by NEA Transport research and training.
The project aims at producing an online database of harmonized European data. It will run until 2012, and will ultimately provide data on the year 2010 for important European data models such as TRANSTOOLS and TREMOVE.
The Institute of Transport and Communication leads one of the 13 work packages and participates in three more working packages, as follows:

  • Data construction – Determinant and Indicator data
  • Data construction – Freight/logistics and
  • Construction of passenger data set.

Innovative and cost effective methods for collection data in Accession countries and Neighbouring countries WP, leaded by ITC, will handle the specific needs of these countries in moving towards databases with European standards. Efficient cost effective methods are necessary to fill data gaps and to improve the quality. Methods will be proposed and – to a certain extend – tested within pilots. Moreover, the institutional organization of data collection related to transport policy objectives will be assessed and based on benchmark with improvements proposed and tested.
More information about the project is available on the website:

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Last Modified: October 24, 2013