Personal Data Protection Policy

Dear colleagues, partners and guests of our web page,

Taking into account the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), entered into force on 25 May 2018, and in order to be in line with the new legal requirements, the ITC’s team considered its Personal Data Protection Policy with the new necessities.

We would like to give you an opportunity to introduce our Personal Data Protection Policy that is in conformity with the new, stronger requirements for storage and use of the natural persons data.

The team of the Institute of Transport and Communication is responsible to the collection and use of the personal data.

In case you consider necessary your personal data to be altered, erased or you wish to withdraw your consent for data use you could contact us.

ITC does NOT COLLECT and does NOT USE any data from the users of this web page.

Best regards,

ITC team

ITC Ltd. has started the project “Smart-Rail”

On the first of May 2015 ITC Ltd. has started the work on implementation of the project “Smart-Rail” (Smart Supply Chain Oriented Rail Freight Services) – a 3-year research and innovation action (RIA) project, funded under the H2020 Programme of the European Commission, aiming to improve the freight rail services offered to the shippers through a range of innovative measures on the basis of five key performance indicators: reliability, lead time, costs, flexibility and visibility. A total of 19 entities from eleven countries are involved in the project with the ideal to transform the TEN-T rail corridors to a European core network which fit with the needs and requirements of shippers and service providers.

For more information visit: Smart Rail project

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Update of Traffic Forecast and Cost-Benefit Analysis for LOT 3 of Struma Motorway


The work on implementation of the Project “Update of Traffic Forecast and Cost-Benefit Analysis for LOT 3 of Struma Motorway” has started

The implementation of the Project “Update of Traffic Forecast and Cost-Benefit Analysis for LOT 3 of Struma Motorway” has started on 28 of August 2014, when the Contract was signed by the National Company Strategic Infrastructure Projects as a project beneficiary. The Project is included in the Operational Programme on Transport 2007-2013 and is financed by the EC Cohesion Fund. The Contractor is an Association named “ANISA-ITC-PPM 2014” consisting of the following companies: ANISA –M EOOD (leading partner), Institute of Transport and Communications OOD and Project Planning and Management OOD. The work on the contract implementation includes: traffic forecast update; update of the cost-benefit analysis for the designed route and preparation of Application Form for project financing under Operational Programme Transport and Transport Infrastructure 2014-2020. The total value of the assigned contract amounts BGN 212, 121.000 (VAT excluded) and the project duration is 56 weeks (392 days).

The route of Struma Motorway has length of about 150 km and is located in the South-West region of the Country between road intersection “Daskalovo” (near Pernik City) and Kulata village at Greek Bored. The Struma Motorway route is along Struma River and passes through natural sights as Kresna George. The section passing through Kresna George is the most difficult to be implemented. Struma Motorway is a section of the Pan European Transport Corridor IV and TEN-T network as well.

Struma Motorway is divided into 4 lots:

  • Lot 1: Dolna Dikanya – Dupnitza;
  • Lot 2: Dupnitza – Blagoevgrad;
  • Lot 3: Blagoevgrad – Sandanski;
  • Lot 4: Sandanski – Kulata at Greek Border.

Lot 1 is implemented already and lots 2 and 4 are under construction. Lot 3 is envisaged to be constructed as a motorway having two carriageways with overall dimensions A29 and length of 62 km. This lot is subdivided into three subsections as follows (the lengths indicated are preliminary):

  • Lot 3.1: Blagoevgrad – Krupnik, length of 17 km, including intersection, earthworks and facilities, tunnel with length of 2 km, near Jeleznitza village;
  • Lot 3.2: Krupnik – Kresna, route length of about 21 km, crossing the mountain terrain. The main section of this lot is a tunnel along Kresna George, length of about 15 km;
  • Lot 3.3: Kresna – Simitly, length of about 13 km.


CIVITAS Renaissance project is about to be completed

After four years work the Renaissance project that is part of the EC initiative CIVITAS Plus for cleaner and better transport in the cities is approaching the end. The City of Gorna Oryahovitsa is project partner and for the time being is the only Bulgarian participant in a CIVITAS demonstration project. The Institute of Transport and Communications is consultant of the City of Gorna Oryahovitsa for the project implementation.
The initiative, the project and Gorna Oryahovitsa participation as well as some of the preliminary project results were presented on July 17, 2012 at the Round Table discussion on Interaction between transport and environment in long-term perspective – guarantee for efficiency and cleaner environment. The discussion was organized by the Transport Scientific Engineering Union, the Institute of transport and Communications, the City of Gorna Oryahovitsa, the Ministry of Environment and Waters and the Sofia Centre of Urban Mobility.
Pictures from the CIVITAS event:
100_1151 (1280x722)100_1146 (1280x960)100_1144 (1280x960)CIVITAS presentation (Bulgarian language only) is available here.
Brochure on CIVITAS and Gorna Oryahovitsa participation in Renaissance is available here.

Varna Integrated Urban Transport project

The project for Varna Integrated Urban Transport started in January 2011. A year later, in March 2012 the main consultant the Israeli Company ROM Transportation Engineering in cooperation with the Bulgarian companies Institute of Transport and Communication OOD and Trafficconsult BG EOOD as sub-contractors completed successfully the project, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund in relation to Operational Programme Regional Development, priority axis 1 “Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development”, operation 1.5 “Integrated Urban Transport Systems”.

Connecting Europe: The new EU core transport network

On 19 Oct 2011 the European Commission adopted a proposal to transform the existing patchwork of European roads, railways, airports and canals into a unified transport network (TEN-T) – multimodal transport network, which greatly facilitated the transfer of passengers and freight from road to rail and other modes of transport. The new core network will remove bottlenecks, upgrade infrastructure and streamline cross border transport operations for passengers and businesses throughout the EU. It will improve connections between different modes of transport and contribute to the EU’s climate change objectives – to reduce by 60% emissions from transport by 2050 (see the white paper published earlier this year).
The new policy follows a two-year consultation process and establishes a core transport network to be established by 2030 to act as the backbone for transportation within the Single Market. The financing proposals for the period 2014-2020 also tightly focus EU transport funding on this core transport network, filling in cross-border missing links, removing bottlenecks and making the network smarter.
The new core TEN-T network will be supported by a comprehensive network of routes, feeding into the core network at regional and national level. This will largely be financed by Member States, with some EU transport and regional funding possibilities, including with new innovative financing instruments. The aim is to ensure that progressively, and by 2050, the great majority of Europe’s citizens and businesses will be no more than 30 minutes’ travel time from this comprehensive network.
Taken as a whole, the new transport network will deliver:

  • safer and less congested travel
  • as well as smoother and quicker journeys.

The TEN-T network consists of two layers: a core network to be completed by 2030 and a comprehensive network feeding into this, to be completed by 2050. Both layers include all transport modes: road, rail, air, inland waterways and maritime transport, as well as intermodal platforms. Ten corridors will provide the basis for the co-ordinated development of infrastructure within the core network. Covering at least 3 modes, 3 Member States and 2 cross-border sections, these corridors will bring together the Member States concerned, as well as the relevant stakeholders and users. European co-ordinators will chair “corridor platforms” that will bring together all the stakeholders – these will be a major instrument to guarantee co-ordination, co-operation and transparency.
The new core network will connect:

  • 83 main European ports with rail and road links
  • 37 key airports with rail connections into major cities
  • 15,000 km of railway line upgraded to high speed
  • 35 cross border projects to reduce bottlenecks

Transport infrastructure requires a huge investment – and the large share will always come from Member States. Europe’s role in terms of investment and co-ordination is to add value by removing difficult bottlenecks and building missing links and connections, and to support the creation of a real European transport network.
The Connecting Europe Facility makes available for transport infrastructure 31.7 billion euros for the next financial period 2012–2020. The normal co-financing rates for TEN-T projects on the core network will be:

  • Up to 50% EU co-financing for studies
  • For works up to 20%
  • Up to 40% for cross-border projects for rail and inland waterway connections and
  • For certain ITS projects, like ERTMS, higher co-financing of up to 50% can be made available to support Member States making the transition.

For more information please visit

Transport Research Knowledge Centre

The Transport Research Knowledge Centre – TRKC is a free database featuring up-to-date information on European transport research activities. It is designed to raise awareness of the outputs of transport research at European, national and international levels. TRKC provides analyses on how transport research results can be utilised to stimulate innovation in transport and to shape European transport policy for sustainable mobility. To this end the TRKC collects, structures and analyses transport research results from across the European Research Area and disseminates the gained knowledge through the dedicated TRKC web portal.
The TRKC information portal comprises:

  • information on over 300 ongoing and completed European, national and international transport research programmes and on almost 6500 research projects;
  • available project database of 425 projects from FP6 and over 200 from FP7;
  • main results and policy implications of the projects are outlined and categorised into key thematic areas;
  • short thematic brochures presenting the highlights of the research results according to policy topics;
  • information on transport events, publications and contacts, links to transport research government institutions, professional organisations, information relays;
  • glossary of transport-related abbreviation.